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What to watch on TV tonight: Monday

Here are the shows that will be on your Twitter timeline this evening.

Image: YouTube

DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.

The People v OJ Simpson (BBC Two, 9pm)

The show that’s causing a sensation Stateside finally comes to our shores tonight. The People v OJ Simpson is a drama about the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and OJ Simpson’s subsequent arrest, escape and trial. It’s dark, it’s witty and it’s incredibly tense — everything you could want from a television show. (Brace yourself for John Travolta.) #ThePeopleVOJSimpson

Vinyl (Sky Atlantic, 9pm) 

The highly anticipated music drama from Martin Scorcese and Mick Jagger debuts on Sky Atlantic tonight. The series stars Bobby Cannavale as a record label executive and features more 70s glitz and glamour than you can swing a cat at. #Vinyl 

Claire Byrne Live: Leaders Debate (RTÉ One, 9.35pm) 

Seven political leaders duke it out in tonight’s debate. Let us pray. #LeadersDebate 

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Everyone’s talking about… Game of Thrones

The world got its first look at the forthcoming season last night.


If you can’t view the video, please click here.

The series returns on April 24th. Stick it in the diary.

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Or switch over for…

  • Bridget and Eamon (RTÉ Two, 10pm) In which Bridget and Eamon discover The National Lottery. 
  • Jigs & Wigs: The Extreme World of Irish Dancing (BBC One, 10.45pm) EXTREME. 
  • The Not So Secret Lief of the Manic Depressive: 10 Years On (BBC One, 11.15pm) Stephen Fry discusses his experiences with bipolar disorder.
  • Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (Sky Atlantic, 11pm) The new series starts tonight.

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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